Download Centre

Please consider that not all forms and information on the following topics are available in German

If you are hindered by the language barriere please contact the corresponding consultant.

Missing information or forms?
Not all forms and information material are translated. Please refer to the German version or contact Dr. Lauderbach if you need help.

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Research Funding 

You are an early stage scientist or artist?
Further information on funding opportunities can be found on the Portal for Young Researchers and Artists.

You are a member of the University Medical Center?
Please refer to our partner homepage and their provided forms.

You want to apply for funding retroactively?
Applications for retroactive funding (i.e. for a past conference) cannot be accepted. Please always apply beforehand.








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Main Information about Horizont 2020 and the application 

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More layouts for the control program  Horizon Europe are currently developed and will be available shortly. If you have questions please contact the EU- office (

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Zu den Förderprogrammen des BMBF

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