By using internal financial resources to promote third party funded research, Johannes Gutenberg University aims at increasing its volume of third party funds.
This can take place during the preliminary stage of a project through various means such as seed funding for individual or cooperative research projects to secure third party financing in the short to medium-term.
Please note that researchers can only apply for and have one seed project at a time. The third party grant proposal should be submitted during the final quarter of the project duration at the earliest. The seed funding cannot be used to bridge the time until the third party funded project begins.
Feel free to get back to Dr. Sabine Lauderbach if you have any questions prior to submitting your proposal.
Further information on the amount of funding, funding periods and fundable costs are given in our synopsis of the different funding lines and in the application form itself in our Download Centre.
For information on seed funding of RMU-projects please refer to the RMU-Homepage.