Knowledge and Technology Transfer

You want to share and utilise your research results or enter into an exchange with society? You are planning a joint project with a non-academic organisation or a business start-up?
The FT2 unit will support you with these plans. In the field of technology transfer, we provide active support for cooperation projects with companies and other partners outside academia as well as for the commercialisation of scientific results that are eligible for patent protection. The Startup Center within the department offers support for prospective founders. We furthermore coordinate and organise various formats of knowledge transfer and science communication for researchers at all career levels.


FT2: Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Dr. Michael Fuchs
- Head -

Tel. +49 6131 39-26981
Christine Göhring
Startup Center
Tel. +49 6131 39-24387
Alexandra Fischer
Technology Transfer
Tel. +49 6131 39-27862
Monika Gieseler
Knowledge Transfer
Tel. +49 6131 39-26076
Marieke Koliopoulos 
Project manager Open Science Festival
Tel. +49 6131 39 30787
Eric Liebold 
Technology Transfer
Tel. ----------------------