Please note that not all forms and information are also available in German
If you have problems understanding the German files, please contact your research officer.
Missing information or forms? Not all forms and information material are translated. Please refer to the German version or contact us. To find the right contact person, please see contacts. |
– all documents only available in German –
- Grundordnung der JGU - § 39 Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis in Forschung und Lehre (1 MB)
- Leitlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (1 MB)
- Positionspapier des Allgemeinen Fakultätentages (AFT) und des Deutschen Hochschulverbandes (DHV) zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis für das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Qualifikationsarbeiten (43 KB)
- Handreichung "Tierversuche in der Forschung: Das 3R-Prinzip und die Aussagekraft wissenschaftlicher Forschung" der DFG (250 KB)
You are an early stage scientist or artist? Further information on funding opportunities can be found on the Portal for Young Researchers and Artists. |
You are a member of the University Medical Center? Please refer to our partner homepage and their provided forms. |
You want to apply for funding retroactively? Applications for retroactive funding (i.e. for a past conference) cannot be accepted. Please always apply beforehand. |
Project funding from the Mainzer Wissenschaftsstiftung at JGU As part of a cooperation, the Mainzer Wissenschaftsstiftung (MWS) is providing JGU with funding for selected projects. Click here to see the call for proposals. |
General Informationen- Funding Lines Stufe I (0,2 MB)
(Current version: 14.01.2025) - Decision-making procedure for internal university research funding (0,2 MB)
(Current version: 10.10.2023) - Final report (draft) (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 10.10.2023)
- Funding Lines Stufe I (0,2 MB)
- Applications, Drafts, References for third party fund raising
- Application Promotion of third party funding (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 25.02.2025) - Application Promotion in Art and Music (0,1 MB) (Current version: 25.02.2025)
- Project description (draft) (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 25.02.2025) - Review criteria for applications for internal university research funding (0,1 MB)
- (Current version: 07.09.2023)
- Application Promotion of third party funding (0,1 MB)
- Applications for travel expenses are submitted via an online form
- Application for Organization of Academic Events
- Application for Organization of Academic Events (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 25.02.2025) - Young artists and young researchers please contact directly Dr. Sabine Lauderbach.
- Instructions for submitting applications for international academic events in the humanities and social sciences (0,7 MB)
(Current version: 10.10.2023) - Verwaltungsmitteilung 14/2018 (0,3 MB) for the use of university-owned rooms and areas
- Application for Organization of Academic Events (0,1 MB)
- Application for Printing Cost Grants Dissertation
- Application for Printing Cost Grants (only in humanities and social sciences) (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 25.02.2025) - Instructions for submitting applications for printing cost grants in the
humanities and social sciences (0,3 MB)
(Current version: 10.10.2023)
- Application for Printing Cost Grants (only in humanities and social sciences) (0,1 MB)
- Application for Equal Opportunities (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 25.02.2025)
- Excursion funds (0,1 MB)
(Current version: 10.10.2023)
- Application and Draft for "Innovative Projects and Startups"
- Application Promotion of "Innovative Projects and Startups" (0,1 MB)
(Current version 27.02.2025) - Project description "Innovative Projects and Startups" (draft) (0,1 MB)
(Current version 27.02.2025)
- Application Promotion of "Innovative Projects and Startups" (0,1 MB)
- Application for Mainzer Wissenschaftsstiftung
- Call for proposal (0,1 MB)
(Letzte Aktualisierung: 06.01.2025) - Application for funding within the context of the Mainzer Wissenschaftsstiftung (0,1 MB)
(Letzte Aktualisierung: 06.01.2025)
- Call for proposal (0,1 MB)
- Form for resources for the members of the faculty 08
- Details for animal trials during research: The 3R-Principal und the meaningfulness of scientific research"
- Statement of employer for the funding of own position/ Walter-Benjamin Stelle (0,2 MB)
For more information please contact Abteilung Personal of the JGU
If you are applying for your own position as part of an individual research grant or within the Heisenberg, Walther Benjamin or Emmy Noether programs, you will need the signature of the central administration. Please take care of it as soon as possible and use one of the following documents:
Main Information about Horizon 2020
- Annotated Model Grant Agreement
- work papers from the BAK: Main working steps of Horizont 2020 (0,65 MB)
- Documents und Support for EU-Project management
- assistance papers from BAK about Project management in Horizont 2020 (1,5 MB)
- Handeling of Overhead at JGU (only with JGU-Account)
- Guideline to employ Marie Curie Fellows
(Last update: 15.05.2014, 200 KB) - Horizont 2020 template Project management (only with JGU-Account)
(Last update: 24.02.2022, 50 KB)
- Declaration on a person working exclusively on a H2020 action (only with a JGU-Account)
- Timesheets Horizon 2020
- Timesheet 2023 (Horizon 2020) (140 (KB)
- Guidelines for EU-Projects in HORIZON 2020
For more Guidance please contact EU-Office (
- Guidelines for EU-Projects in HORIZON EUROPE
- Horizon Europe: general information on project management (349 KB)
- Guidlines for implementing MSCA doctoral networks (only with a JGU-Account)
- Documents for the application
- Budget calculation für Horizon Europe Projects (only with a JGU-Account)
Further guidelines for implementing Horizon Europe proejcts will be available shortly. If you have questions please contact the EU- office (
- Roadmap: application at Bund (BMBF u. a.) (0,3 MB)
(last updated: 18.11.2022) (only with JGU-Account) - Formblatt Ressourcen Angehörige des Fachbereich 08
- Information about the doumentation of working hour (0,3 MB)
(Letzte Aktualisierung 30.08.2018) - Ausfüllhilfe Easy-Online Portal (3,8 MB)
(Letzte Aktualisierung 18.11.2022) (nur mit JGU-Account) - Erläuterungen zum Finanzplan für BMBF-Projekte (0,2 MB)
(Letzte Aktualisierung 18.11.2022) (nur mit JGU-Account)
Technology transfer