Internal University Research Funding

Trips to international scientific events and gender equality measures can be funded for both, Ph.D. students and graduated researchers. Seed funding for third party project is only available to graduated scientists. For further information about funding during your graduation, please refer to the Portal Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs early career scientists.

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) funds a large range of internal research projects and initiatives. Overall, a total of approximately € 2.2 million is provided for successful proposals. The central aims of basic funding taken from university budgetary resources are to:

  • strengthen key profile areas and identify new future-oriented research fields at JGU
  • increase third-party funding
  • enhance the appeal of the university for young academic researchers
  • increase the percentage of female academic staff
  • improve international networking and the visibility of JGU

Individual counseling and support is provided by the Research and Technology Transfer staff unit. Please do not hesitate to take a look at the Downloadcenter for an overview of the funding lines as well as a template of the application form and additional information and instructions regarding applications and the selection procedure. Please read carefully in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes in your application.


Members of the University Medical Center please refer to the informations provided by Ressort Forschung und Lehre at UM.

Backdated applications are not accepted. Please submit all applications in advance. This approach also explicitely applies for conferences in December.

For applications involving a specific faculty, e.g., when teaching duties have to be assumed by a third party, an agreement with the respective deanship is a prerequisite for the application. Failure to do so results in delayed processing of the application or exclusion from the application process. In order to prevent double funding, applications in the scientific field of a Top-Level or High-potential Research Areas of JGU must include a statement regarding possible co-financing by the respective research center/ unit. Please mark the respective field on the application form. A failure of co-financing does not diminish your chances of receiving funding for a project in "Stufe I".

  1. Business entertainment expenses are not billable with "Stufe I" funds.
  2. Habilitation projects and publication fees cannot be funded.
  3. Once funding is approved, applicants are required to start their project promptly. A delay of over 6 months without proper justification will result in clawback of any unspent funds.
  4. Applications for financial support of excursions go to Referat FIN 3 (Ms. Krick).

Your contact:

Dr. Sabine Lauderbach
Internal University Research Funding ("Stufe I")
Tel +49 6131 39-37245

Your contact at the University Medical Center:

Dr. Angela Clement
Internal University Research Funding ("Stufe I")
Tel +49 6131 17-9948
Internal Research Funding at the University Medical Center